李 廷 圜   Lee Jeong hwan
1954   born in Moon Kyoung, Kyoungsang bukdo
1970   began the pottery
1983   entered the Gawneumli pottery kiln in Moon Kyoung
1996   the exhibition in the international tea cultural competition
1997   the examiner of the pottery part in Kyoungbuk technical skill competition
2006   the examiner of the pottery part in National technical skill competition
2012   the exhibition in Korea - Japan Hoeryeong pottery fair,
         Busan the best expert of the pottery part in Kyoungsang bukdo
2013   the exhibition at Korea - Japan pottery cultural exchange
         ( Karats Japan )
No. : 지LJ-010
artist : 李 廷 圜 (Lee J.H) 作
subject : 黃伊羅保茶碗 (14.5 x 8.2 cm)
price : 1,500,000 won